Rigney Bank Ballet School
Rigney Bank Ballet School opened in 2000 and is a fully registered school, teaching ISTD and AAD. Rigney Bank’s office is situated in a 17th century tower house, with our private in-house studio. All main Rigney Bank Ballet School’s timetabled classes are delivered in the expansive dance studio, within Dallam Sports Centre.
The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, is recognised as an Awarding Body by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
Current RBBS Students
We currently have pupils who have successfully auditioned to take on additional training alongside their classes at Rigney Bank Ballet School as Junior Associates and Mid Associates of The Royal Ballet School, Elmhurt Associates of Birmingham, CAT Manchester, APEX, and The Hammond Associates. As well as students working within the industry, including online commercials for Kendal Mountain Festival and theatre work including Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Musical.